Did you know that people living with HIV (PLWH) are more likely to commit suicide? According to a study published by the National Journal of Medicine and the Journal of Affective disorders which surveyed 1560 people living with HIV/AIDS, 26% (405/1560) of participants reported lifetime suicidal ideation and 13% (204/1560) reported lifetime suicide attempt. (source: This is …
Why Suicide Rates Among People Living with HIV are High and what you can do about it Read More »
Interfaith Health Platform Dear colleagues and friends, The resources of the webinar on Challenges to Paediatric HIV Care, hosted last week (Tuesday 30 May), by the Interfaith Health Platform of the PEPFAR – UNAIDS Faith Initiative are available at: The webinar, Challenges to paediatric HIV care, draw on the findings from the 2022 HIV clinical care data …